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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS) represents all directors of Social Services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

CONSULTATION RESPONSE 30 January 2007 Green Paper: Care Matters TRANSFORMING THE LIVES OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN CARE SCIE welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposals set out in Care Matters. We are in no doubt that there are a number of areas that require significant improvement in the way we provide services for looked after children. We support the premise for the proposals that our goals for children in care should be the same as our goals for our own children.

The introduction of “Children First the Northern Ireland Childcare Strategy”. in 1999 requires each of the 4 Child Care Partnerships in Northern Ireland to prepare a 3 year Child Care Plan which sets out how the Partnership will plan and deliver childcare services. This Child Care Plan covers the period from 1st April 2002 to 31st March 2005. The Plan will be reviewed on an annual basis during the 3 years of its life span.

A Better Future 50 Years of Child Care in Northern Ireland 1950-2000 Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety




OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS BUREAU DU COMMISSAIRE AUX DROITS DE L´HOMME Strasbourg, 8 June 2005 CommDH(2005)6 Original version REPORT BY MR ALVARO GIL-ROBLES, COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, ON HIS VISIT TO THE UNITED KINGDOM 4th – 12th November 2004 for the attention of the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly

Commission on Families and the Wellbeing of Children Executive Summary Families and the State Two-way support and responsibilities An inquiry into the relationship between the state and the family in the upbringing of children April 2004

In April 2002, the Western Area Children and Young People’s Committee published its second Children’s Services Plan, for the period 2002-2005. The Children’s Services Plan 2002-2005 has described, in some detail, how need has been assessed, reports agreed, inter-agency strategic objectives, and identifies a number of key result areas related to these objectives. This publication is intended to be a working document.

Care Work Current understandings and future directions in Europe National Report, United Kingdom WP3 Mapping of Care Services and the Care Workforce Claire Cameron Peter Moss January 2001 Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education University of London

EDUCATION AND SKILLS AUTHORITY: DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S SERVICES Purpose 1. The purpose of this paper is to consider the implications of the Ministerial announcement on 22 November 2005 that contained a reference to the appointment of a Director of Children’s Services within the ESA.

Eamon McTernan WHSSB. Hardiker Children's Services Planning in Northern Ireland Developing a Planning Model to Address Rights and Needs Authors: Eamon McTernan - Eamon McTernan is Assistant Director of Family and Childcare for the WHSSB; Ann Godfrey - Ann Godfrey is Children's Services Planner for the Southern Area Children & Young People's Committee

Every Child Matters: Change for Children in Social Care Every child matters, the Government’s vision for children’s services, was published in September 2003. It proposed reshaping children’s services to help achieve the outcomes children and young people told us are key to well-being in childhood and later life. ● Be healthy ● Stay safe ● Enjoy and achieve ● Make a positive contribution ● Achieve economic well-being

ENNISKILLEN AT NIGHT An Integrated Approach Executive Summary Enniskillen’s evening economy is generally considered to be ‘a problem’ and the town is described as almost being a ‘different place’ at night. The result of this is that the town centre has become more than just a focus for leisure, entertainment and cultural activity for people of all ages. It has specifically become a focus for young people, with all the adherent problems that this may attract. To address this, the approach suggested by Fermanagh District Policing Partnership (DPP) and Fermanagh Community Safety Partnership (CSP)

In April 2002, the Western Area Children and Young People’s Committee published its second Children’s Services Plan, for the period 2002-2005. The Children’s Services Plan 2002-2005 has described, in some detail, how need has been assessed, reports agreed, inter-agency strategic objectives, and identifies a number of key result areas related to these objectives. This publication is intended to be a working document. It provides an Executive Summary of Children’s Services Plan 2002-2005, and an Action Plan – specifying how the strategic objectives can be taken forward in the year 2002-2003, and how progress can be measured.

This document contains agreed codes of practice for social care workers and employers of social care workers describing the standards of Code of Practice for Social Care Workers within which they should work. This introduction, which is also reproduced in the Code of Practice for Social Care Workers, is intended to help you understand what the codes are for and what they will mean to you as a social care worker, employer, service user or member of the public. The General Social Care Council began its work on 1 October 2001, at the same time as the Northern Ireland Social Care Council, the Scottish Social Services Council, and the Care Council for Wales. The Councils have a duty to develop codes of practice and have worked together in developing these codes as part of their contribution to raising standards in social care services.

RESIDENTIAL CARE Residential child care prior to 1950 Prior to 1947 the care of children was governed by the Poor Relief Acts which empowered Boards of Guardians to care for children in workhouses or to have them boarded-out (fostered). The functions of the Boards of Guardians in relation to children transferred to the newly established welfare authorities on 1 November 1947. At that time the Ministry of Home Affairs recommended that the 8 welfare authorities established under the Public Health and Local Government (Administrative Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1946, established homes to provide for persons in need, including children. Almost 80 per cent of children in care lived in institutional placements (Table 6).

April 2005 This is the third Children’s Services Plan developed by the Western Area Children and Young People's Committee. It sets out the main issues affecting children and young people regarded as vulnerable or in need and the key result areas which the Plan seeks to address. The planning process has drawn together a wide range of knowledge, skill and expertise from the voluntary, community and statutory sectors, and has gained from increasing consultation with children, young people and their parents about what makes a difference to them.

RESPONSE TO RISK & GOVERNANCE REVIEW MARCH 2005 ~ JANUARY 2006 July 2006 The Review Chronology of the Service Review Acute and Community Children’s Services Review Chronology of key milestones within the Trust Action Plan in response to key recommendations Performance, Accountability and Monitoring The Trust has over this past 15 months been subject to considerable detailed review from a number of external and professional bodies. The review brought to the Trust’s attention significant deficits in service provision and as a result a set of actions were put in place to address the deficits. This report details the sequence of events from March 2005, the specific issues that were brought to the attention of the Trust and the Trust’s response to these issues.

In April 2002, the Western Area Children and Young People’s Committee published its second Children’s Services Plan, for the period 2002-2005. The Children’s Services Plan 2002-2005 has described, in some detail, how need has been assessed, reports agreed, inter-agency strategic objectives, and identifies a number of key result areas related to these objectives. This publication is intended to be a working document. It provides an Executive Summary of Children’s Services Plan 2002-2005, and an Action Plan – specifying how the strategic objectives can be taken forward in the year 2002-2003, and how progress can be measured. The Action Plan will be used by the Western Area Children and Young People’s Committee to monitor and assess progress, and will be the basis on which the Children’s Services Plan is reviewed annually.

Western Area Children’s Service Plan Review April 2006 This is the first Annual Review of the 2005-2008 Children’s Services Plan. Strategic Context Developing and Monitoring the Children’s Services Plan – WACYPC on the Strengths of Families Children and Young People in Public Care Children with a Disability Children with Emotional, Behavioural, Psychological or Psychiatric Difficulties Children in Need of Protection Youth Justice Homelessness – Children and Families Sixteen Plus The Western Area Child Care Plan Domestic Violence – Children and Young People Children & Young People in the Travelling Community Children & Young People’s Health and Health Services

STATUTORY RULES OF NORTHERN IRELAND DRAFT 2006 No. HEALTH AND PERSONAL SOCIAL SERVICES The Western Health and Social Services Trust (Establishment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2006 Made 2006 Coming into operation 2006

Your Shout! A Survey of the Views of 706 Children and Young People in Public Care by Judith E. Timms and June Thoburn NSPCC Review of Legislation Relating to Children in Family Proceedings NSPCC Your Shout!

The Hurt Inside The imprisonment of women and girls in Northern Ireland PROFESSOR PHIL SCRATON and DR LINDA MOORE People held in detention, whether in prison or otherwise, are particularly vulnerable to breaches of their human rights. The ‘closed’ nature of prison regimes makes it very important that they are open to inspection and investigation by a range of bodies concerned with the care and human rights of those inside. This is all the more crucial because many people who are in prison, especially women prisoners, were vulnerable prior to their detention, through factors such as mental health problems, educational difficulties, drug and alcohol related issues and sexual abuse.

This leaflet tells you how the new Family Law Act can help you. It explains who can apply for an order, describes what you need to do and tells you what will happen once the court receives your application. This leaflet deals only with applications that are made at a county court. How can the Family Law Act help me? This new Act, which became law in October 1997, protects victims of domestic violence with two different types of orders: • A Non-Molestation Order - which prevents another person from harming you or a child. • An Occupation Order - which will indicate who can live in the family home and can direct another person to leave the home.

Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families Guidance Notes and Glossary for: Referral and Initial Information Record, Initial Assessment Record and Core Assessment Record Department of Health Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families Guidance Notes and Glossary for: Referral and Initial Information Record, Initial Assessment Record and Core Assessment Records

Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families Department of Health Department for Education and Employment Home Office i Department of Health Department for Education and Employment Home Office Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families Social Care Group The Social Care Group is one of four business groups in the Department of Health. It is jointly headed by the Chief Social Services Inspector and the Head of Social Care Policy. It supports Ministers in promoting high quality, cost effective services through · national policies · support to external social care agencies · inspection The Social Services Inspectorate is a part of the Social Care Group. It is headed by the Chief Social Services Inspector who is the principal professional advisor to Ministers on social services and related matters.

How Devolution impacts on Child Care Social Services in United Kingdom

Corporate Plan 2005 - 2008 Foreword 2 The Ulster Community & Hospitals Trust 3 The Planning Context 4 Statement of Purpose for the Trust 6 Goals 8 Conclusion 18

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No child can be identified by any posts on this website. Every child should be able to move on in future without reminder of past intervention by any authority. Many victims of the U.K. System are the children.
We are indeed aware of Article 170: Privacy for children involved in certain proceedings. but also Section 62: Publication of material relating to legal proceedings (251.252.) Which means that nothing can be published that may identify any CHILD during court process yet; Council's can publish photographs and detailed profiles of children online in advertising them for adoption.

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This website is built for a parent who went through the system and wishes this information was there for them when it was needed.
This right is protected by law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 19), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (article 19).

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